Jupiter in Pisces: What does it mean for you?

Esme of Wandering Star
3 min readJan 5, 2022


There’s lots of talk about Jupiter moving into Pisces, but what does it mean for you?

If you’re not feeling anything that’s no surprise. Jupiter is an outer planet far from earth and their shifts can often take some time to be felt.

Although Jupiter is usually associated with the positive qualities of expansion, higher learning, and journeys both literal and spiritual, it doesn’t mean everyone experiences these qualities the same way. Astrology is all about relationships, and the relationship of the current Jupiter in Pisces to the planets in your birth chart will play a large part in when, how, and if you feel this transit.

This is a powerful year to write your dreams

Start a dream journal. If it sounds woo woo do it in a way that fits you. Bullet-point lists, run-on sentences, crayons or collage — reach for what feels right and just go with it. From the ancient Greeks to Freud, the ways dreams can heal and guide us is almost so well-known we don’t pay attention to it anymore. Daydreams also count — if you see yourself winning the Olympic gold then 2022 is the year to write it down. Having Jupiter and Neptune, the two most dreamy planets, in the most dreamy sign of Pisces means we have the potential to bridge our subconscious with ease.

Neptune has been in Pisces for quite some time now. While Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, Neptune is the modern ruler. Both planets on their home turf at the same time is rare. Astrologers don’t have much to go on here. We’re all just living it together and we’ll see what it may mean.

You may be feeling disconnected or overstimulated.

Pisces energy can feel disconnected and… maybe floaty? Some people don’t do well with this energy. If you have the impulse to cover up this feeling with mind-altering substances just — wait. Get grounded. Spend time away from screens every day, move your body, and eat fresh foods. You’ll still probably feel overstimulated but at least it won’t be worse.

Jupiter can facilitate excess in everything. Write yourself a note to check in — on yourself, on your friends, the first week of April. Jupiter and Neptune will be conjunct on April 12th and the weeks around this could be turbulent. Ask yourself and your friends: How is the discomfort making you stronger? How do you want to get through this transit? This cycle will end. Watch comedy, cook with unfamiliar flavors, arrange rocks in a pile, and wait it out.

You may be feeling a little better than before.

Jupiter will bring a sense of ease for some of us, as if we’re playing a hard game and suddenly hear the crowd cheering for us. The hard things will still be hard, but there’s a boost of encouragement from the stands in the sky right now.

If this is you find a way to honor Jupiter with gratitude. Go outside and look for Jupiter in the evening sky, learn more about the myth or astronomy of this planet, say a prayer. If you have ever thought of mentoring or volunteering this would be a good time to do it.

